Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Greetings to the World(and Karakuri Nordics!)

Hello Yu-Gi-Oh players of the blogosphere, I am Methus0 and I have begun my first Yu-Gi-Oh blog A Plethora of Decks. In due time you may meet two(or more) friends of mine who will begin to contribute to the blog but for now it is only me. So to break the ice, here is a couple of nuggets of info about me: I am going to college at a private university as a sophomore(yes it is preppy and somewhat snobby place), and I have played Yu-Gi-Oh for about three years now.

Now as for the reasons that I created this blog, well... I really like Yu-Gi-Oh and I think it is a very clever card game and I enjoy discussing decklists with fellow players. But, as with all things, I had an ulterior motive for creating this blog. Simply said, I find that many of the bloggers of this great card game are like those angry kids you see at Walmart yelling, as high their little voices can, about not getting what they wanted in the toy aisle.

Really, I (and Konami) could not even care less for your ego driven card mentality, or whether Yu-Gi-Oh Armageddon is nigh and that we all will soon quit the game. We will each know when we feel like it is no longer fun to play Yu-Gi-Oh and that is(sure-as-hell) not going to be dependent on your feelings. So go sit in your corner and be angst-y.

With maybe(a BIG maybe) the exception of a new banlist, I think there is nothing that you should be threatening X person(your mom, Konami, whatever) to quit the game over. You should quit the game when you are no longer having fun or can't pay for it.

So, I created this blog so as to have a place to discuss deck ideas without the occasional curse thrown at Konami or threat to quit Yu-Gi-Oh. But mostly to rant on my ideas.

Before I get on to the decklist for this week, I wanted to note that as I begin these decklists I try to make them as competitive as I can, but this may conflict with my desire to introduce a new spin on a deck or that I just may not be that great. So, as the blog's name suggests, we will be seeing a great many different decks.


Monsters (18)

3 Karakuri Soldier
3 Karakuri Ninishi
3 Karakuri Merchant
2 Karakuri Muso
3 Tanngnjostr , of the Nordic Beasts
2 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts
1 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

Spells (12)

2 Karakuri Anatomy
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Karakuri Cash Cache
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Pot of avarice
1 Limiter Removal

Traps (9)

3 Gleipnir, the fetters of Fenrir
1 Solemn Judgement
1 Mirror Force
2 Trap Stun
2 Solemn Warning 

2 Karakuri Shogun Burie
2 Karakuri Steel Shogun Buriedo
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Scrap Archfiend
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Mist Wurm
1 Stardust Dragon
2 Black Rose Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Thor, Lord of the Aesir
1 Gaia Knight the Force of Earth
1 Ally of Justice Catastor

While the main purpose of Karakuris is generally taken to be spam Burei and Buriedo, they also can exist as a deck that can gain consistent hand advantage with Karakuri Merchant comboing with Karakuri Cash Cache or Karakuri Anatomy. I find the combination of Karakuri and Nordic to be a very fitting one, with the Karakuris always shifting to defense and thus easily destroyed by battle, Tanngjostr brings the best of the nordic cards to the table, not to mention he is searchable by Gleipnir. Further, Guldfaxe and Tanngjostr bring easy Black Rose plays and Burie or Buriedo if you have a Karakuri in hand. Karakuri Ninishi also really helps with the somewhat high monster count hands due to all the searching going on and to make Black Rose plays.

A fun deck to play, pretty defensive in its setups and probably one of the better applications of a Nordic influence in an archetype.

I always want to hear what you all have to say so please comment below.


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